You assure me the English reader
will find this...
Well, l....
Yes, l...l should think so.
Look, everybody.
Positively a nun's hands, aren't they?
-You look lovely, Sally.
-Just lovely.
Thank you. Well, l'm off to the Adlon...
...to see my sexy...
...marvelous, devastating father.
-Auf wiedersehen, my darlings.
-Auf wiedersehen.
Good luck.
l'm terribly sorry, but l couldn't
possibly find any more of them.
Good night, and thank you so much
for a delightful evening.
You're most welcome, Herr Roberts.
-Good night.
-Good night.
lt really has been...sublime.
Thank you.
Dearest miss.
You see how she is with me?
You see that kiss? You see that kiss?
No, l...l was too discreet to look back.
l think l go...
l go crazy with the frustration.
You know, l...l kiss and inside me
comes the explosion. But her?
Brian, l tell you a simple fact...