If it's his wife.
He just might be straight.
- You mean he's honestly crooked.
- Yeah.
I can't believe it.
Well, if this is an attempt
at entrapment...
...it certainly is the clumsiest one
I've ever seen.
You know, Cisco, if I were you,
I'd steer clear of the whole thing.
Yeah. It's incredible grass, though.
How much?
Just blowing off...
You know, blowing out the carbon:
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
Come here.
I gotta have $ 10,000 by Monday.
- Monday?
- Yeah.
You get me that much by Monday,
and the rest of it...
...you just fool around with
on your own time.
Whatever you make on it, you keep.
That's an awful lot of grass
to turn in two days, man.
It's not really two days, though.
You got the rest of today
and, well, the weekend.
That's like 59 hours.
So you figure out it's...
Well, about two keys an hour,
if you want to figure it that way.
Two keys an hour?
Do I get to punch a time clock?
Look, man,
you're the hotshot dealer.
You get it for me by Monday,
or it's no deal.
What about the prior?
When it comes to court,
I'll see what I can do for you.
You can get off on an 844.
It's a technicality.
Nobody cares.
One more thing.