Columbo: Blueprint for Murder

Was this just another routine checkup?
When you have a heart pacemaker,
no visit is routine.

- You can roll down your sleeve.
- Oh, yeah. What I mean is,

was this appointment any more
or less important than the others?

Well, if Beau Williamson doesn't
get to me, or any other specialist,

he's running a grave risk with his health.
Well, why is that?
This is a pacemaker.
- You mean it's that big?
- It runs on miniature energy cells.

- That's sort of like an electric watch.
- Exactly.

It regulates a heart that can't keep
a steady beat.

Every year, these energy cells
have to be replaced

or the pacemaker becomes erratic,
causing the heart to malfunction.

- In other words, you could die.
- Put simply, yes.

- Is this a big operation?
- No, but it is a surgical procedure.

Could a doctor other than you perform it?
But knowing Beau Williamson,

I doubt he'd put himself in the hands
of a stranger, no matter how competent.

I see. All right, Doc.
I wanna thank you very much
for the time and for the checkup.

Well, it wasn't much of a checkup.
If you locate Mr Williamson,
tell him to contact me.

- I'll do that.
- Are you looking for something?

- Do you have a lighter?
- You won't find one here.

And let me give you some free medical
advice. Stop smoking those things.

- I've been trying.
- Trying isn't good enough.

Remember, I deal in pacemakers.
