- (Buzzer)
- Yes?
'Mrs Williamson is on the line.'
- 'Hello?'
- Hello, Jennifer. How are you?
- Feeling any better?
- 'I'm not sure how I feel.
'I just keep thinking about that hat.'
Well, that's what I called you about.
I may have an explanation for you.
I've got to check on a few things
before I tell you anything.
You think you can arrange
to have Beau's will sent over?
- 'Beau's will? What on earth for?'
- Just trust me.
- Get out of there!
- That won't help. I've already seen 'em.
You said you wanted to talk and I find you
poking around. You've got no right.
Two of Beau's old hats from the old days.
I thought there were three on that shelf.
- I don't know what you're talking about.
- No? You planted that hat.
You manufactured this just to back up
your story that Beau's dead.
You're reaching, mister. Now, what's that?
It's Beau's will.
Shows why you want to prove he's dead.
You're farther out than your buildings.
According to this, when Beau Williamson's
dead you inherit 25% of his estate.
That's a lot of lamé.
Much more than you'll ever see in alimony.
You listen to me.
You're after me for some reason
and all I'm trying to do is point out
that that will doesn't prove a thing.
Suppose we call Columbo?
We'll leave it up to him.
Listen, I can save yourself the trouble.
- Ah, the omnipresent constable.
- What are you doing here?
Your maid let me in.
She told me you were up here.
- I hope I'm not interrupting.
- How long were you there?
Not long. I guess I did hear
the tail end of what you were saying.
Then I guess you know what kind
of fertiliser this boy is spreading around.
Well, you know, Mr Markham
is making pretty good sense.
He'd almost make a detective.
That stuff about the will,
that's good police work.
- Thank you, Lieutenant.
- I thought you were my friend.
Goldie, I am your friend.
And because I'm your friend,
I'd like to give you some advice.