Columbo: Short Fuse

What has happened?
Well, Mr Buckner, he's sort of disappeared.
They may have been attacked somewhere.
They warned him.

They threw that stench bomb
on our lawn yesterday.

Your aunt says there's been trouble
at Stanford Chemical.

He has been threatened and there
have been anonymous phone calls.

But those are from hotheads.
Hotheads? What are they hot about?
He's been negotiating with a conglomerate,
dickering to sell.

A lot of the old retainers do not like this.
You might say there has been
an excess of corporate bad feeling.

I see. How'd you feel about this, ma'am?
Did you side with your husband?

I was in the process of making up my mind,
which is beside the point right now.

David is missing. That's the only issue.
Yes, it certainly is, ma'am.
Do you know his whereabouts tonight?
He left the plant around seven.
He was going to Pinewild.

- Pine...?
- Wild.

Pinewild. I'm not familiar with that.
We have a place up there.
He should have arrived hours ago.
The caretaker hasn't heard anything
and the sheriffs mountain office
can't find him.

Look, maybe they got hungry.
- Maybe they stopped off for a drink.
- Rog, you know that isn't so.

He told Benson he'd have supper up there.
You know how awful those roads are.
If he'd only taken the aerial tram
and had the caretaker meet him at the top.

It's so much safer, faster.
I checked with highway patrol and there's
no report of any accidents on those roads.

There, you see?
(Tuts) Oh...
Lieutenant, I think we owe you a drink.
When he was away last week,
you didn't notice he was gone.

What made you call the police
tonight, of all nights?

Do you want a drink?
I called the commissioner of police and he
said he'd send over his very best man.

- Is that a fact?
- My wife, she says I'm second best

but she claims
there are 80 fellas tied for first.
