Columbo: Short Fuse

Er... Car's right over here.
- Thank you very much.
- OK.

- I knew you'd help me.
- You're welcome.

(Truck horn)
Mr Stanford. Roger, wait.
- What's your problem?
- I nearly died. All those questions!

I could only think to say I went to the movies.
Now, relax, relax.
DL wasn't really murdered and you know it.
Do you know that?
That's a funny thing to say.
I'm sorry.
But if they keep investigating
and checking into everything,

like those personal files I let you look at,
like Mr Logan's...

I put those back days ago.
It was just curiosity.
How to succeed in business.

Roger... I don't want anyone
to find out about us.

Aw. Well...
How could they?
You took those pictures of me.
I cleaned out my desk already
and the darkroom.

I got rid of everything.
I'm sorry. It's...
It's just the past few days, I...
- You know, you need a rest.
- (Engine starts)
