Columbo: Short Fuse

Nothing. I do wish you would listen to me.
- You haven't answered me.
- I can't. I can't.

Not with these two men here.
Would you leave us alone, please?
Sorry. They told me to bring him here
but I can't let him out of my sight.

I got here as fast as I could.
Where is Farrell?

Evening, ma'am.
Lieutenant, I'd like an explanation of this.
He's on the way. I told her where he was.
He broke in, tore up the place,
resisted arrest.

They literally jumped me.
We're going to clear this up
as fast as we can. Don't worry about that.

I thought you said to me
that you had no idea
where Quincy's hideaway was.

I didn't. But this car salesman that Quincy
was friendly with did know.

Lieutenant, look, if I could talk to you alone
for a few minutes...

Excuse me, please.
What do you have, Farrell?

(Farrell) A few things.
The typewriter was there.

Charlie's going over the information
we got from his file. Dossiers, actually.

- I brought a couple of things...
- Dossiers? What kind of dossiers?

- Er, something about Mr Logan?
- Well, what makes you say that?

This afternoon, I found something
in the pocket of one of David's suits.

Some sort of report about Everett Logan.
Personal information. Very damaging.
- From Quincy?
- Yes.

- May I see it?
- I burned it.

You see, I finally realised that David was
using Quincy to keep tabs on the executives.

Hmm. All right, Mrs Buckner,
would you give me a moment, please?

There is stuff on Logan there.
Also on other executives.

Only, take a look at this.
Quincy's bank book.
New account. Pretty big deposit.
Yeah. Nice guy, Quincy.
Looks like he's trying to put the bite
on his own boss.

Look here. This is what I took
off the kid when I caught him.

That's the only thing
he tried to get out of Quincy's.

I guess he was in a hurry
because he forgot the negative.
