- That big cities frighten you.
- But, Armando, where would l go?
You wait right here!
lf this works, l'll be back by nightfall.
- But what ifthey don't let you go?
- Oh, they will. They will.
But just in case, if l am not back by then...
Now, these steps go down
to a tunnel that leads to the harbor.
Cargoes of apes are frequently
unloaded at night.
- You must try to infiltrate one ofthem.
- But, Armando...
Apes imported from overseas arrive naked,
so you'll have to get rid ofthese clothes.
- Well, l don't want to.
- We must have an alternate plan!
Right now, the only safe
hiding place for you
is among your own kind.
l shouldn't be long.
Why would you say ''human''?
''Human.'' That's a very odd thing
for another human being to say.
l didn't say ''human,'' Mr Governor.
l said ''inhuman.''
Lousy inhuman bastards. And by the blessed
St Francis, who loved all animals, l meant it.
- You see, l run a circus...
- We know that.
- From 20 years back.
- Since the talking apes arrived on Earth
and conceived a baby whose survival could
have threatened the future ofthe human race.
Mr Governor, l understand
the baby was shot dead with its parents.
Or so it was believed, Mr MacDonald.
However, since this morning, l'm beginning
to wonder ifthey shot the right baby.
The apes could have switched
their baby with one from the zoo.
- Or perhaps a circus.
- Surely, Mr Governor, you can't be serious!