Conquest of the Planet of the Apes

No. But brightness has never
been encouraged amongst slaves.

Oh, don't be so touchy, Mr MacDonald.
All of us were slaves once,
in one sense ofthe word or another.

lf you feel the ape's unsatisfactory,
we can have him reconditioned.

- That isn't necessary.
- You're quite right, Mr MacDonald.

But not for any
of your bleeding-heart reasons.

Reconditioning. That's all
any ofyou ever think of, isn't it?

Don't you realize, ifwe were to take
every ape who disobeyed an order

and sent him back for reconditioning, Ape
Management would become overcrowded.

- lt's the only thing that has any effect.
- Just makes them worse.

Some ofthem couldn't be worse. l've
been having a comprehensive list compiled.

- Mr Governor.
- Yes, what is it you want?

- lt's your meeting with the Defense Council.
- l'll be along in a moment.

- Defense Council?
- l'll tell you about it later.

- ls this related to the list you mentioned?
- You'll be given full details, Mr MacDonald.

Meanwhile, we're going to set a good
example and recondition this fella ourselves.

- We haven't named him yet, have we?
- No, Mr Breck.

l'm going to revive a charming tradition
established in her lifetime by my dear wife,

and let you name yourself.
''Caesar.'' A king.
They're waiting for you
in the council chamber.
