Dracula A.D. 1972

- Okay, so Johnny went too far.
- Too far?

- It was revolting.
- Well, Laura was smashed.

You know what happens
when she touches that stuff.

- She can't handle it.
- Bob, she was not that smashed.

Okay, so we'll go to the Cavern tomorrow.
Usual time.

Laura will be there.
A bit drained, but she'll be there...

and I'll have a few words to say to Johnny.
We should have gone back for Laura.
No, we shouldn't have gone there at all.
I did phone up Bob's pad.
He and Jess made it okay...

but he doesn't know
what happened to Laura.

Maybe we ought to do something.
What? Call the fuzz?
No, we can't do that...

- 'cause they'll ask me personal questions.
- So you've got secrets?

Look, don't you think we're pushing
the panic button for no reason?

Johnny gets his kicks
out of scaring people.

Just for the record, with me,
he succeeded.
