Or someone seeking the light.
Someone in darkness.
I was in darkness.
But Brother Sun
illuminated my soul.
And now,
I can see so clearly.
Just as you did the day
you chose the sacred vestments
you are wearing now.
Are you seeking holy orders?
No. No.
I'm not worthy.
Then what do you want?
I want to be... to be happy.
I want to live like
the birds in the sky.
I want to experience
the freedom and the purity
that they experience.
The rest is of no use to me.
No use.
Believe me.
If the purpose of life
is this loveless toil
we fill our days with,
then it's not for me.
There must be something better.
There has to be.
Man is...
is a spirit.
He has a soul.
And that, that is what
I want to recapture...
my soul.
I want to live.
I want to live in the fields.
Stride over hills.
Climb trees, swim rivers.
I want to feel the firm grasp
of the earth beneath my feet
without shoes,
without possessions.
Without those shadows
we call our servants.
I want to be a beggar.
Yes, a beggar.
Christ was a beggar,