Look at the crusader.
Bernardo di Quintavalle?
Welcome home.
As I am presenting
the keys of the city
to the emperor,
it would hardly be
very bright of me
to present them
from the rear, would it?
Besides, this is not
a religious ceremony.
My dear governor,
Otto of Brunswick
is going to Rome
to be crowned emperor
by His Holiness.
How can you possibly say
this is not
a religious ceremony?
God moves in mysterious
ways, my dear secretary,
and He has arranged,
on this occasion,
that I move forward.
Ah! This is...
pure blasphemy!
What? Do you suggest you are
in direct communication
with the Word of God?!
Come here, Sylvestro.
Something really
marvelous has happened.
Guess what.
Bernardo's back.
Yes! He rode in
through the gates
half an hour ago.
He looks... fantastic.
...and I will make
the speech of welcome.
Let's not discuss it further.
Everyone will have
his assigned place.
But, but you are here.
Streets ahead of me.
He couldn't have arrived
at a more appropriate time.
Let's meet tonight
and celebrate.
Giocondo, you arrange it.
- Oh, yes.
- Yes.