Hey! Bernardo!
How do you like your chicken?
Leg? Or breast?
The only one of us
that's stayed the same.
It's all show.
He's trying to go
back to his youth.
Why else would he
choose this place
to celebrate your return
from the crusade?
Crusades are nothing
to sing about, I assure you.
Oh, come on, Bernardo,
you're, you're famous.
You're a war hero.
I say, you must have slaughtered
thousands of Muslims.
How many, at a rough guess,
would you say that you killed?
Too many.
Where's Francesco?
Oh, uh...
He doesn't live in Assisi
anymore, Bernardo.
I gathered that, but...
What's happening?
Where is Francesco?
Oh, you're not still talking
about him, are you?
We told you, he's mad.
What do you mean, he's mad?
Don't take any notice
of him, Bernardo.
He's pissed, as usual.
But Francesco isn't mad,
is he, Paolo?
He's not mad.
He's... He's changed.
He is mad.
A raving bloody lunatic.
Only a lunatic will believe
that God Himself
had come down from heaven
to talk to him.
Listen, God has spoken
to lots of people sometimes.
How interesting.
And I suppose you think
that God personally decided
that San Damiano should be
the first church
in His rebuilding program.
San Damiano...? Rebuil...?
Is that where he's living?
Well, y-yes, I, I suppose so.
Is he all right?
Surely... Surely to God
one of you went along
to-to see him,
speak to him.
You must have done something.
Look, he...