"But store your treasure
in heaven...
"where there is no rust,
"no moth,
"no thief to steal.
"For where your treasure is...
...there will your heart be
Out! Call the guards!
Out! Out!
How little faith you have!
"No man can serve two masters.
"He will hate the one
and love the other,
"or he will be devoted to one
and despise the other!
You cannot serve both God
and money!"
Forgive me.
You went to so much trouble.
You come, too.
No, not him.
He's not with us.
Well, tell him Paolo,
you're not with us.
Tell him.
I am with them.
Then go with them.
Quiet! Quiet! Move along.
Your Holiness,
I am most dreadfully sorry.
Please forgive this outrage.
We were misinformed.
We were given to understand
this was a humble group
of hermits.
He isn't well.
Shall we suspend the audience?
Do you wish to retire,
Your Holiness?