
Well, it's up to us now, I guess, eh?
Yes. And good-bye, Mr Salt.
Bye, Miss Barling. Thank you.
It's been our pleasure.
And I know you'll both be very happy.

After all, I know you're
both mad about beekeeping.

- lt's good to share an interest.
- l'm sure we will be.

Come on, Neville. Best foot forward.
(Neville) We should go straight and
get the marriage license, my dear.

What's your rush?
Let's go to my place first.
Did you know, Neville,
that my late husband, Mr Davisson,

was up at 5:30 every morning of his life?
By the time he brought me my cup
of tea, which he did at 9:15,

he would've cleaned the whole
house; and he was so quiet about it,

that in 14 years, he never woke me once.
Not once!
Oh, a neat man, was he, then?
He liked a tidy place. So do I, come to that.
Dandruff. We'll have
to get you something for that.

You're new here, aren't you?
I've been here for over a year now.
What can I do for you?

You can inform Mrs Blaney
that one of her less successful
exercises in matrimony is here.

- And who shall I say is calling?
- Mr Blaney.

Or if you preferred it,
ex-Squadron Leader Blaney,

late of the RAF
and Mrs Blaney's matrimonial bed.

I see. Is Mrs Blaney expecting you?
She must be. Everybody expects a
bad penny to turn up sooner or later.

Mrs Blaney, there's a Mr Blaney to see you.
Mr Blaney? Send him in, please, Monica.
- Hello, Brenda.
- Hello, Richard.

What are you doing here?
I just thought I'd call around.
- Well, come in. Take a seat.
- Thanks.
