
I'm quite sure, thank you. Good night.
(Brenda) Why do you always come
to see me when you're drunk?

(Blaney) l don't always come
to see you when l'm drunk.

l don't always come to see you.
l haven't seen you for over a year.

You were half seas over then,
and violent.

- I'm not going through that again.
- Me violent?

Don't be bloody ridiculous.
Would I raise a hand
to the goddess of love?

What Brenda Blaney brings together
let no man put asunder!

l didn't say you were violent to me.
But you certainly acted the fool
and threw the furniture about a bit.

Just look at the state you're in!
- Really!
- Oh, leave me alone.

Bachelors are supposed
to be untidy, aren't they?

Isn't tidiness most women's dowry,
or don't you preach that here?

Oh, we are bitter today.
- What's the matter?
- I'm sorry.

I had a bad day, that's all. I lost my job.
I got fired, that's how.
What do you think, I mislaid it?

For pinching a glass of brandy.
My employer thought I wasn't going
to put the money in the till.

I was working,
until this morning, as a barman.

And I was given a very good horse
by a friend of mine, one Bob Rusk.

It came in at twenty to one, and
I didn't have enough cash to back it.

I'm sorry.
Well, these things always go in threes.
I wonder what the rest of the day
has in store.

Dinner with me, I hope.
That, of course, would be delightful, but -
I mean, of course, on me. We'll go to my club.
