
I've got things to give.
I'm sorry.
I thought matrimonial agencies were
supposed to bring people together?

Not people like you.
Somehow I don't think
our clients would appreciate

your conception of a loving relationship.
I get on with all sorts of people.
Good. Then you don't need us.
- There are other marriage agencies.
- Then go elsewhere.

Not that any reputable agency
would service you.

I've been elsewhere.
But... this one, for me, is the best...
because... l like you.
You're... my type of woman.
- Don't be ridiculous.
- l'm serious.

I respect a woman like you,
and I know how to treat you as well.
You know, in my trade we have a saying.
We put it on the fruit.
Don't squeeze the goods 'til they're yours.
Now, that's me.
I would never do that.
You know that, don't you?
Excuse me. I've just remembered
a call I've got to make.

There's no need to call the police.
What made you think
I was going to call the police?

Just intuition, I suppose.
Oh! English?
Yeah, of course it is.
That's a very frugal lunch
you've got there.

and mean.
