More power to the people!
I'm taking a course
in African studies at school.
I had no idea you people
were so civilized.
Do you know
that property values...
actually go up when
a black family moves in?
Freud didn't write
for the black man.
Why does a great actor
like James Earl Jones...
always have to play black men?
Don't you hate it when people
say "Colored" or "Negro"...
and not "Black"?
Black is beautiful.
It's so great that black people
wear their hair natural...
not emulating
the image of beauty...
white people inflict upon them.
I had a black girlfriend once
who said that Jewish people...
were the closest
to black people.
I'm Jewish, you know.
I ain't no jive-ass
black nigger, honey.
Who do you think I am?
Oh, God!
Oh, Jesus!
How awful.
My soul is tormented.
-Oh, no.
I've been up and down the four
corners of this big old world.
I've seen it all!
I've done it all!
I've fought many a good man,
laid many a good woman.
I've had riches and fame
and adventure.
Stood face to face with danger
and death countless times.
Are you somebody famous?
I think I saw you
in a movie once.
Try not to interrupt, huh?
I've tasted life
to the fullest...
and still my soul cries out...
in this hungry, tortured,
wrecked quest, "More!"
-Look at the good side of life.
-Things aren't all bad.
Gee, he's handsome.
You. You can help me.
You must save me.
By so doing, you, too,
will be saved.
I'd like to, but what can I do?
Lovely set of eyes there.
Little sweet one
with your heart of gold...
I know of a place
where we can be alone...
to join our souls
in sacred truth.
I want to be in on this thing.