Fritz the Cat

No more of the books...
the spoutings of
a bunch of old farts...

who think they know
the whole goddamn score.

Oh, my God, what have I done?
I set all my notes
and books on fire...

and now I can't study
for my exams.

I'll flunk out,
and my folks will be pissed off.

I'll get a blanket.
The blanket's on fire.
We better call
the fire department.

Bo Diddley buy his baby
a diamond ring

If that diamond ring
don't shine

He gonna take it
to a private eye

If that private eye
can't see

He better not take
that ring from me

Bo Diddley caught him
a nanny goat

To make his pretty baby
a Sunday coat

Bo Diddley caught him
a bear cat

To make his pretty baby
a Sunday hat
