I'm on my way, man.
Hey, cat, how would you
like to bug out now?
By God, man!
I'm gonna bug out!
Did he say bug out, baby?
Go ahead, baby, bug out.
Ain't no bug out.
-What kind of shit is that?
-lt's a bug out to him.
-lt's some kind of dance.
-Let's split.
Anybody looking our way?
Some stud
gone and left his keys.
What are you doing?
You stealing that car?
Shove over, Jack!
Let me drive this goddamn thing.
Move it out!
Hey, man,
you cats can't drive.
You don't know nothing
about nothing.
Can't you see that car go by?
Cool it, will you?
I drive like a crow.
-Man, look, slow down!
-l see the light.
Man, you'll get killed up here!