If I was to say
my prayers, we might get lucky...
and find him sittin' home
waitin' on us, Mingo.
"How do you do, Mr. Chama?
For a dumb-ass sheep dipper,
"you sure been
bothering me.
Causin' all kinds
of discomfort."
There's supposed to be
a road west of here.
We could save some time.
Game doesn't
walk down roads.
We're supposed to be
hunting mule deer.
If we find somebody walking down
the road, which don't seem likely.
Well, we've had company now
for about a mile.
- Where at?
- Both sides of us.
- I don't see a goddamn thing. How many?
- Three, maybe more.
- What the hell's going on?
- Keep your mouth shut.
We got people going with us.
Maybe Chama, maybe not.
- I don't see anybody.
- I see 'em, Frank.
You bet.
Right where he said.
I could wing one,
if you wanted to talk to him.
They're not much for
staying hid, are they?
No, they're showing themselves,
showing they don't give a darn.
They know they've
got us outnumbered.
Buenos dias, seƱor.
Buenos dias.
Nice looking string
you have there.
Still green.
They'll be all right.
- You rope 'em?
- Yeah.
We chased them
three or four days.
You haven't by any chance
seen any elk, have you?
No. Some deer.
You out hunting, eh?
You haven't been home
for a while?
No, not for a few days.
You want some game?
Go in the San Juans.
Maybe you get a bear.