Why not?
Mobile homes
are the thing of the future.
Curly coming to supper tonight?
I think he wants to see you.
You and Ace.
Maybe you're the lucky ones,
drifting the way you do.
How long you been
keeping boarders, Mom?
A year.
- Where you going?
- I'm going up to the hospital.
See you tonight.
Is he hurt bad?
I can keep him
off the ceiling...
but I can't keep
his hands off me.
Come back in the morning.
He was asking for you.
When he wakes up, you tell him
I'm around, would you?
Folks, if you gather around...
I'd like to tell you a few words
about the Reata Rancheros.
Now, the Bonner Trading Post
was established in 1955.
It was ten years before
the last clean air in America...
was reportedly seen
in Flagstaff, Arizona.
I'm no fancy scientist. I'm just
a United States businessman...
and I'm proud of it.
But I'll guarantee you...
Prescott's air
is as clean or cleaner...
than our illustrious neighbor
to the north.