Hey, boy, I'm just making money
hand over fist.
You wait until you see
what I got lined up for you.
Hey, girls,
let's roll 'em, huh?
You just gonna love
what's happening here.
I'll see you at Mom's tonight.
7:00 dinner, sharp.
Let's go, ladies and gentlemen.
Come on!
Step aboard, folks.
Come on, now.
Everyone, let's go.
The bus is loadin'.
Here you go.
Let me help you there, ma'am.
Come on down the highway
In the twilight of your life
Come and see Reata Rancheros
Come and bring your wife
Bring the little children, too
Because when
they've all grown up...
Then with the house gone,
then there's no problem.
Here, things are gonna be better
all the way around.
Mama's going to be living
inside of model home trailers.
Well, Mom can show
the people...
how roomy and comfortable their
lives can be on our Rancheros.
And she can be in charge
of our gift shop.
That would really
give her a chance...
to get rid of
some of these antiques.
Mom, do you have to smoke
while you're feeding our baby?
Almost forgot, boys.
Here's a couple of free ones...
best seats in the house.
Gee, thanks, Uncle Junior.
Now, you pass your Uncle Junior
those mashed potatoes and gravy.
You get some good draws
for tomorrow, Uncle Junior?
You better believe.
You could ride anything
with hair on it, Uncle Junior.
Well, you pays your money,
you takes your chances.
Pass the whiskey.
There never was a horse
that couldn't be rode...
there never was a cowboy
that couldn't be throwed.
Famous old saying, all right.
Well, Curly says that
you've seen one rodeo...
you've seen 'em all.
Well, I didn't mean
our rodeo, darling.
That's a part of history.
Well, still, it's just a rodeo.