Here's your grand entry...
for this, the 84th annual
Frontier Days Rodeo...
the oldest professional rodeo
in America.
It was on July 4th, 1888...
that cowboys
from the surrounding ranches...
first gave as an entertainment
to the people of Prescott...
an exhibition
of ranch activities...
and cowboy sports...
Hi, J.R.
The Prescott Frontier Days
is the original cowboy rodeo
in America...
and in the years since,
it has continued to be...
one of the most honored and
well-known rodeos in America.
Hey, Bill, let me have
that rope, will ya?
I should mention here
that if any of you...
were at the big parade
downtown earlier this morning...
and are wondering if that fella
in the blue shirt...
on the Roan horse
is gonna compete today...
I can tell you he will.
Ace Bonner will be a contestant
in today's rodeo.
He's been a part of the rodeo
for 42 years.
Now here's the grand marshal
of this year's rodeo...
twice world champion,
all-around-cowboy Casey Tibbs.
Our rodeo stud contractor...
the man responsible
for all the bucking horses...
steers, and bulls
you're about to see...
Buck Roan.
Buck Roan of Amarillo, Texas.
And here's a pair of fellas...
who'll be entertaining you
this afternoon...
Tom Lucia...
and joining Tom...
the clown bull fighter
from Enid, Oklahoma...
Jim Hill.
All right, Tom. Hold it.
Better save that
for the Palace bar.