Kansas City Bomber

Go! Go!
There she goes. There she goes.
Just like the Bomber!

And she's breaking away.
Okay, and she's down the line!
Okay, go now. There she is.
Get her! Get her!
Rita, please be careful!
Diane, please!
She's pretty good. She beat me.
All right. Sit down here
and catch your breath.

Hey, K.C., I need some new skates.
See, these are all worn.

- You haven't had those a month.
- Yeah, sure.

- All she's gotta do is ask you.
- They're pretty worn.

Concrete's rough on skates, eh?
...how's my boy?
- Well, thank God he hates skating.
- Hey, K. C...

Now, I told you not to call
your mother K.C.

Hey, Mom...
...when you fall down on the track or bump
yourself or something, does it hurt?

- Yeah, sometimes.
- But you don't care.

Well, it's part of the game.
- See, stupid! I told you she didn't care!
- Hey!

Walt, honey, come on in the house,
help me fix supper.

Hey, Mom, white ones?
- What?
- White skates.

Oh, yeah, sure.
White ones.
