Won't you even talk to me?
Walt, don't worry about Mom.
I won't get hurt, honest.
I promise you. Walt, please.
No! No!
If I had the money, I've spent
on roller games, I think I'd be rich.
But I wouldn't trade it for nothing.
I just love it and keep coming back.
- Evening, fellas.
- Evening, Mr. Henry.
- Mr. Henry, how are you?
- Hey, how are you?
- Hi, Mr. Henry.
- Hey.
- How're you doing?
- Burt, how are you?
Hey, Dick.
- Hi, Mr. Henry.
- How are you?
- Mr. Henry, I wanted to talk to you.
- Hank?
Listen, Hank, another time.
Color. Color. That's the word.
Get going! Come on!
When you gonna get me
some new wheels?
Say, I appreciate your coming in, but I don't
want you skating for a couple more days.
All right. Which wise guy
rigged these drawers?
Oh, just back-talking.
How are you, girls?
Sorry to bother you, girls.
But I wanted to welcome the latest
addition to the Portland Loggers.
I'm Burt Henry. I own the Loggers.