- Just something I suppose you had to do.
- That's right.
No, increase in attendance
is at 12 percent.
Figures are right here.
And concessions up proportionately.
No, I'd say more than that.
Anytime at all.
Good match tonight. Real good.
People loved it.
That business with Horrible Hank
and the mop, just real good.
Jackie, that block you threw, excellent.
Thank you, Mr. Henry.
How'd you come out of it? No bruises?
- Just fine. Thank you, sir.
- Good, good.
We might continue this when you're
wearing the same uniforms.
Two pretty girls.
Customers will love it.
I just wanted you to know that color of
that sort is appreciated by me and the fans.
K.C.? Would you stay behind?
Thank you, Jackie.
Sit down again, K.C.
I've been watching you for months.
I've had a complete report on you,
your background.
Does that surprise you?
Flattering, I guess.
Diane, what I'm gonna say
I don't want general knowledge.
But when I was scouting you,
I was looking for someone.