Billie, you ain't missing a thing.
I cried for you
What a fool I used to be
Now I found two eyes
Just a little bit bluer
I found a heart
Just a little bit truer
And I cried for you
Now it's your turn
To cry over me
Still think it's fun, Billie?
Watch it, will you?
Sorry to say it's that time again.
This has been the Oasis Cosmetics
Hour from New York, New York...
featuring the new mellow sounds
of our Sweet Sam...
and His Society Swingers.
- So until tomorrow night...
- Man, did you hear that?
- Here we go again.
- Did you hear that?
- Yeah.
- Sweet Sam and His Society Sissies.
That's supposed to be us, man.
That should be our gig.
Do you want to be a sissy?
Man, here we are, riding our asses off
all over this cotton-picking country...
trying to win these hicks over,
and what do we got to show for it?
Zero. Nothing, man. Bullshit.
Where is that big radio cat
that's supposed to discover us, Reg?
Where is that son of a bitch, anyway?
Watch your mouth.
Can't you see there's a lady present?
That's right.
Show some respect, you motherfucker.
Who is it?
It's Harry.
What do you want?
Can I come in?
Come on.
Gonna be a rehearsal downstairs
in 10 minutes.
Oh, boy.
We got a full day off next week.