Okay, that's all right. Forget it.
I can get my own connections, then.
Lady, we've been through this shit
before, man. You gonna mess up...
That's all right.
I just wanna cop now, you know?
No big thing.
Don't worry about it. I'll do it myself.
You know, I'll take care of it.
You ain't your brother's keeper,
you know?
Why don't you tell that nigger
you got in New York...
I ain't your brother's keeper?
You can't get something for nothing
out here, girl. Did you know that?
I ain't trying to get
something for nothing.
Just go on back to the hotel.
Go on back to the bungalow.
I'll meet you there later.
I can handle it.
It's not the idea of that, man.
You're gonna get messed up
out here in the streets.
Why do you got to do that?
You're a star now. You understand?
You're big time.
You're gonna... I can get the stuff,
all right? I'll meet you...
- Now you're talking, big boy.
- Yeah, now.
- Okay.
- I'll meet you back at the hotel.
- About an hour, all right?
- All right.
Take this.
Come on, now take it.
Now, you know, you need some money.
You can take this and pawn it.
We can get it back later.
- Hey, you know what?
- Chicken butt.
Them that's got shall get
Them that's not shall lose
So the Bible says
Play your harmonica.
And it still is news
Mama, Mama may have
Papa may have
God bless the child
That's got his own
You got your own harmonica.
I got my own harmonica.