-Who is it?
-lt's J. Edgar Hoover.
-Any trouble?
-Where's Sadie?
-Taking a bath.
ls Junior back yet?
Yeah, and l'm here, too.
-Send him with my beer.
-You heard her.
Go to the icebox and get a beer.
There's a lady in there, man.
Here's your beer.
There he is. The man of the hour.
Thank you.
-You glad your old man's out of the clink?
You know, it's really a shame
you don't get along better with Krug.
You got to change your head around.
Become someone else altogether.
l've been thinking about names
and everything.
How does ''Agatha Greenwood'' grab you?
Like something out of Brighter Day.
You're probably right.
What do you want to be?
-A frog.
-You look like a frog.
lf l was a frog, l'd have my own lily pad.
l could sit there all day long, just....
l could do that, man,
nobody would bother me.
l could watch the flies.