Last House on the Left

Car's on the blink, Weasel.
-And while we've got you brats along....

What are you gonna do?
We ain't going to be able to call
a mechanic, go to a gas station, nothing.

We'll get the phone in service
so we can get a call from her.

lt'll be all right.
Kids get ants in their pants sometimes.
She's just letting off a little steam.

Come on, there!
Dig these crazy woods here.
Come on, Junior.
Move it.
Go to the right, down by the water.
-Who do you suppose that is?
-l don't recognize it.

-Looks like someone got stuck.
-Want to go have a look?

No. Come on, let's go, kid.
We've got more important things to do.

That ain't going to find us
Mari Collingwood.

Weasel, take out your knife.
l'm gonna tell this little lady here
to do something.

And if she doesn't do exactly
what l tell her to...

...l want you to cut her...
Oh, brother!
-Untie them.
-Come on.

He's talking to you.
Come here.
Piss your pants.
