Come on!
Very nice.
The lady of the house is nice, too.
-Krug. l want my fix, man.
-Go jump!
Look at this.
Guess who lives here?
l wonder what the odds are on that.
Feel like playing ''Three-Thirds of a Ghost''
or something?
How would you like me to put
my boot up your ass sideways?
l'm sorry l don't have anything better
to offer you, but....
-lt's been such a confusing day.
-Hell, you've got a lot to offer.
This food is impeccable.
Are you folks on vacation?
-No. We're sort of on a business trip.
-What sort of business are you in?
Well, which is it?
You see, we're actually in both.
We sell insurance to plumbing companies.
You know, in case they steal
some toilets or something.