We were so fond of him.
- He died in that suit?
- But why keep him here?
We're expecting the undertaker.
But we remain at your service.
I'm Ieaving. I won't eat here.
- Why not?
- You can't be serious, RafaeI!
I don't mind.
But I assure you,
you'II have a fine dinner.
- No, I'm going.
- As you Iike.
- What shaII we do?
- Try another pIace.
If you don't mind, I'd rather
go home. WiII you take me?
Yes, with pIeasure.
Mr. SénéchaI and Mr. Thevenot
are here.
Show them in.
HeIIo, Henri.
HeIIo, Francois. PIease...
What happened Iast night?
- Why did you come by?
- You invited us.
You're mistaken.
It was for tonight.
I couId never have accepted.
I'm engaged tonight.
I don't understand.
Are you free for Iunch Saturday?
Let me check.
Saturday's fine with Francois.
About one o'cIock.
I have nothing pIanned.
We'II be expecting you, then.
there's quite a pretty girI outside.