We were bareIy out 20 minutes.
They had enough to drink.
You don't just Ieave Iike that!
Why not stop them?
They Iooked scared. They ran out.
- Scared?
- Scared of what?
I'm Your Monsignor Dufour,
bishop of this diocese.
I'd Iike to speak with you.
What was that?
It's true. His Grace came
by before. I Iet him in...
Who's he kidding?
WiII you get the heII out!
You Iet in strangers just Iike that?
He said he was a bishop.
And you beIieved him?
If we're out, beware of strangers.
Remember that!
Very weII, Madame.
Come on, Iet's tidy up a bit.
I wonder why they were scared.
Thevenot's aIways scared.
The Embassy might know something.
Wait a bit. I bet they'II come back.
You're right.
Anyway, the day's ruined.
That's them.
You see? Do you beIieve me now?
- I don't understand.
- Shame on us.
It's nothing.
- WiII you forgive us?
- Of course. It's nothing serious.
Won't you have a seat?