Le Charme discret de la bourgeoisie

Wait for me a minute.
I have to buy something.
I'II wait.
- Wasn't Ramirez just here with you?
- Yes.

- You sure it was him?
- Sure.

Don't you know
he died over 6 years ago?

Say, that's true. You're right.
- How can that be?
- I don't know.

I was surprised to see him.
He said he Iived around here.

I remember now,
he died quite a whiIe ago.

He went in here.
Wait, I'II go get him.

- It's you?
- Yes, it's me.

- You recognize me?
- How couId I not recognize you?

- You might have forgotten me.
- Forget you?

Every time I tried to taIk to you,
you kept your distance,
you snubbed me.

- Remember?
- I remember.

Last time, you returned to the sand.
Now you're here, coming to me.

Why this Iate?
I don't know.
I wanted to see you again.

I Iooked for you in this dark crowd.
I've been Iooking since I arrived.
- Nothing wiII part us again.
- Nothing.

Just 3 minutes ago,
I ran into an oId friend.

Wait, I'II get him.
You must meet him.

I'II wait.
