Enough! Enough!
Noise, trouble, fights.
Kill each other if you must...
but for God's sake,
do it quietly.
Who are you?
Huh? Speak up!
Don Miguel de Cervantes.
Oh, a gentleman!
Doesn't prevent me
from going to bed hungry.
And that?
My assistant.
May I have the honor?
They call me the Governor.
- What's your game?
- Game?
Your speciality, man.
Cutpurse? Highwayman?
Nothing so rewarding.
I'm a poet.
They're putting people
in prison for that?
No, no, no, not for that.
Too bad.
Might I meet this gentleman?
Your name, sir?
Names have no meaning here.
I'm called the Duke.
And your speciality?
I invent false information
about a country...
and sell it to others
stupid enough to believe it.
Seems a sound proposition.
What brought you here?
A lapse of judgment.
I told the truth.