Man of La Mancha

I've never had the courage
to believe in nothing.

A bad poet?
This comes from a painful ear.
Have you finished your defense?
No, no, scarcely begun.
With your permission,
I will continue...

in the manner I know best.
In the form of a charade.
An entertainment, if you will.
An entertainment?
At worst,
it may beguile the time.

And since my cast
of characters is large...

I call upon you all
to enter in...

and play whatever role
may suit your fancy.

I shall like to protest.

Let's hear him out.
If you've no objection...
and with
your kind permission...

may I set the stage?
I will impersonate a man.
His name... Alonso Quijana.
A country gentleman,
no longer young.

Being retired,
he has much time for books.

He studies them
from morn till night...

and often through the night
till morn again.

And all he reads
oppresses him...

fills him with indignation...
at man's murderous ways
towards man.

He ponders the problem...
how to make better a world...

where evil brings profit
and virtue none at all.

Where fraud,
deceit, and malice...

are mingled
with truth and sincerity.

He broods and broods
and broods and broods...

and broods and finally
his brains dry up.

He lays down the melancholy
burden of sanity...

and conceives the strangest
project ever imagined...

to become a knight-errant,
and sally forth...

to roam the world
in search of adventures...

to right all wrongs,
to mount a crusade...
