- Vile creature!
- Hold on!
Surrender, I tell thee!
Fall to thy knees and beg mercy!
Or I'll rob thee
of thy very life!
Thou art vanquished!
- Hold on, Master!
- Surrender!
Have at you!
Surrender, vile creature!
Your Grace!
Your Grace!
Didn't I tell you?
Didn't I say,
"Your Grace, it's a windmill"?
The work of mine enemy!
The Enchanter?
He transformed the giant
into a windmill...
to prevent me
the honor of victory.
You'd be wise to avoid him,
Your Grace.
One of these days,
he'll get you killed.
Hell has not seen
nor Heaven created...
the one who can prevail
against me.
He's doing very well.
Come, Your Grace.
We'll find a place
to get you repaired.
A knight must not
complain of his wounds...
though his bowels
be dropping out.
But we could find the hall
of some great lord.
A trumpet heralding my approach.
There! The very place.
- Where?
- The castle.
- Castle?
- Rockbound amidst the mountains.
- Mountains?
- And the banners.
The brave banners
flaunting the wind.
Blow thy bugle...
that a dwarf may
mount the battlements...
and announce our presence.
But I don't see a castle.
- I do see something.
- What?