There is food aplenty.
And for your squire, too.
Well, as I always say, hunger
is the best gravy in the world.
And as the poor
are always hungry...
they, uh... sir, I thank you.
Stay and rest tonight.
I'll just stable your animal.
See that your grooms care
for my fleet-footed Rosinante.
A horse of courage,
sobriety, and chastity.
A flower and glory
of horse flesh.
Thank you, Master.
- What's this madness?
- Aldonza!
Has he got money to pay?
When did a poor man
ever find time to run mad?
He's got money.
He's a gentleman.
Tell Aldonza
to bring him some wine.
Gentle knights...
fair chatelaine.
If there be any amongst you
that require assistance...
you have but to speak...
and my good right arm
is at your service.
Whether it be
a princess held to ransom...
an army besieged...
the fallen to be raised up...
the suffering, the poor...
Dear God. It is she.
Sweet lady...
fair virgin...
I dare not gaze fully
upon thy countenance...
as I'd be blinded by thy beauty.
I'll get you the wine.
Milady, you must not wait
upon my needs.
I implore you,
speak once your name.
- Milady jests.
- Aldonza!