The king... restricted.
The bishop... charmingly diagonal.
And now
the problem of the knight.
My dear, your uncle...
is the laughingstock
of the entire neighborhood...
and I do not relish
claiming a lunatic as an uncle.
Oh, come, come, doctor.
The good Señor Quijana...
has been carried away
by his imagination.
Señor Quijana has lost his mind
and is suffering from delusions.
- Is there a difference?
- Exactitude of meaning.
I beg to remind you
I am a doctor.
The innocent must pay
for the sins of the guilty.
Guilty? Of what?
Of gentle delusion?
How do you know it is gentle?
He was armed.
With sword and lance.
I cannot favor the madness that
puts a sword into his hand...
but I can love the gentle
spirit that moves him...
to measure his sword with evil.
I shall concern myself
with his madness, father...
and leave the care
of his spirit in your hands.
Sanson? I had hoped for so much
for us, for you, really.
Everything was to be for you...
my uncle's house, his lands.
That's true, doctor. In time,
they would all be yours.
Or you a priest or pawnbroker?
What I meant was...
- consider the challenge.
- Challenge?
Think what cleverness
it would take...
to wean him from his madness.
Turn him from his course.
To persuade him
to come back home.
To bring him to see
the same world?
Hmm. That is a challenge.
To work within his lunacy...
to cure him through
the very terms that are his own.
Come, father. We shall do it.