Man of La Mancha

Embroidering banners
for their knights...

he said they had no time
for study.

What's it say?
Most lovely sovereign
and highborn lady

The heart of this,
thy vassal knight

Faints for thy favor
Oh, fairest of the fair
Purest of the pure
Incomparable Dulcinea
Oh, that again!
My name is Aldonza.

- Master calls you Dulcinea.
- Why?

I don't know, but I can
tell you from experience...

that knights have their own
language for everything...

and it's better
not to ask questions.

It only gets you into trouble.
I beg thee grant
that I may kiss

The nethermost hem
of thy garment

Kiss my what?
If you keep interrupting me
like this...

the whole thing will be gone
right out of my head.

- Well, what's he want?
- I'm getting to it.

I beg thee grant
that I may kiss

The nethermost hem
of thy garment

And send to me a token
of thy fair esteem

That I may carry
as my standard into battle

What kind of a token?
He says generally
it's a silken scarf.

Why, your master's
a crack-brain.

Well, they say one madman
makes a hundred...

and love makes a thousand.
- What does that mean?
- I'm not sure.

You're crazy, too.
- What are you waiting for?
- The token.

I'll give him a token. Here!
But, milady...
Don't you milady me,
or I'll crack you like an egg.

Hey, wait a moment.
Come here.
Come. Tell me.
Why do you follow him, huh?
Oh, that's easy to explain.
It's a... it's a...
well, it's a sort of crusade.
