Man of La Mancha

Your Grace!
Milady received thee?
Oh, most fortunate of squires.
The token. What of the token?
Purest gossamer.
Forgive me.
I'm overcome.
Oh, I am a little barber
And I go my merry way
With my razor and my basin
I can always earn my pay
Somebody approacheth!
Though your chin
be smooth as satin

You will need me soon, I know
For the lord
protects his barbers

And he makes the stubble grow
Well, good day, gentlemen.
It's just an ordinary traveler.
See what he weareth on his head.
By all the saints...
there is a fortune
to be made right here.

Arm thyself. This encounter
may be perilous.

Oh, dear.
If I slip
while I am shaving you

And cut you to the quick
You can use me as a doctor
'Cause I also heal the sick
Well, shall you be my...
shall you be my first to...

You... you... you should be
my... my first...
