I'm not any kind of a lady.
For a lady
has modest and maidenly airs
And a virtue a blind man
could see that I lack
It's hard to develop
These maidenly airs
In a stable,
laid flat on your back
Won't you look at me,
look at me
God, won't you look at me?
Look at the kitchen slut
Reeking of sweat
Born on a dung heap
To die on a dung heap
A strumpet men use and forget
If you feel that you see me
Not quite at my virginal best
Cross my palm with a coin
And I'll willingly
show you the rest
Never deny
that you are Dulcinea.
Take the clouds from your eyes
and see me as I really am!
You have shown me the sky
But what good is the sky
To a creature who'll never
do better than crawl?
Of all the cruel bastards
Who've badgered and battered me
You are the cruelest of all
Can't you see what your gentle
insanities do to me?
Rob me of anger
and give me despair
Blows and abuse I can take
And give back again
Tenderness I cannot bear
So please torture me now
With your sweet Dulcineas
no more