Can you do nothing?
I'm afraid there will be no
need of my services as a doctor.
Where is he, I wonder?
In what dark cavern
of the mind?
- According to recent theory...
- Oh, Doctor, please.
Don't you think I did right?
There's the contradiction.
You again!
- Tell him to go away.
- What harm can he do?
It's all been done.
Your reverence?
Could I talk to him?
I'm afraid
he won't be able to hear you.
Well, then, I won't say much.
No mention of knight-errantry.
Oh, no. One does not speak
of the rope...
in the house of the hanged.
Proverb. Excuse me, Your Grace.
- Your Grace?
- Just a few words.
Little ones...
to lighten his heart.
A little gossip
A little chat
A little idle talk
of this and that
I'll tell him
all the troubles I have had
And since he doesn't hear
At least he won't feel bad
Shh, shh.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Oh, what a time
I've been having...
since I got back, Your Grace.
You know my wife Teresa,
how strong she is...
muscles like a bull.
Well, she beat me.
She hit me with everything
but the house itself.
And she yells at me...
"Where's all the gold
and all the jewels...
"you were going to bring back?
"Where's that kingdom
you were going to conquer?"
Well, I kept a dignified
silence, Your Grace...