Milano calibro 9

Right, he's clean.
But he's been stopped three times
for student protesting.

Three times, he's an anarchist.
Everyone's an anarchist to you
since those students beat you up.

Look at the picture.
We know this guy!
Right, it's Pasquale.
The Americano's hitman.

Imagine tonight's headlines...
We could arrest Pasquale.
And fill the jail with those scumbags.
The Americano has
at least 200 runners.

Some don't know what they carry,
others know and get killed.

Or they're killed because
they think we've identified them.

Like Bertolon.
Why don't we act
on a larger scale?

Come on!
Where do I get the men?

You're new
but you know our team.

Let's get the ones
who evict people.

And who beat up students and workers.
There are enough officers for that.
Stop being a subversive!
People have had enough
of strikes and occupations!

What people?
The so-called "orthodox" ones?

You read too much left-wing material.
There are people born rich,
and people who get rich.

Which one
are you talking about?

Has a rich man ever said:
"Let's pay the Southerners better"?

Or: "Let's give them better homes"?
- The rich don't bother anyone.
- They do too!

What do we have here?
Rich people sending money abroad.

Of course they're bothersome.
This isn't a political rally.
There are two kinds of rich people.

We're going to fight people
who send their money abroad.

there's no red flag here.

remember property is theft!"

That's right.
We need to remember
that property is theft.

All we do is provide services
to the rich!

We are supposed
to enforce the laws.

All men are equal.
Who's equal?
Have we ever clubbed a rich man?

You think the rich are always right.
And the workers, students
and Southerners are always wrong.

Does anyone want to applaud?
I will.
