We're not in a position
to just take anyone.
This is a high-security job,
as you can well imagine...
and we personally just don't
feel that you meet our...
oh, how should l say...
our admittedly sometimes
stringent screening process.
Well, why did you
hold me up for so long?
Why did you keep
asking me to come back?
l had another job
l could've taken.
How could l have gotten
about this Divine you talk of?
l don't know her.
You could've given me
some lead as to how...
l could've gathered this data
you wanted about her.
You led me to believe
l had this job.
Well, Miss Sandstone...
Miss, uh, Sandy Sandstone...
you just must've been wrong in
your assumptions, weren't you?
l mean, surely,
you've heard the expression...
'"Don't count your chickens.""
Well, apply it.
l never gave you a final answer
on this whole thing...
and, as far as you believing
that you had the job...
well, l've never even
that you would be the applicant
that we would choose.
You don't know enough.
l mean, l wish everyone
was like you...
and had never heard of Divine...
but, unfortunately,
it just isn't like that.
Now, if you wouldn't mind...
l do have a busy day
ahead of me.
There's really nothing
left to discuss.
Well, what am l
supposed to do now?
That's what l'd like to know.
You can eat shit for all
l care, Miss Sandstone...
or eat anything that you like
or do anything that you like.
Just don't assume that l want
to know your troubles.
Now, if you wouldn't mind,
l'm a busy woman...
with a full day's work
ahead of me.
Please remove yourself
from my office.
You're a real cunt,
do you know that?
A real fucking cunt!
How can you be
so shitty to people?
How can you stand yourself?
l guess there's just two kinds
of people, Miss Sandstone...
my kind of people and assholes.
lt's rather obvious
which category you fit into.
Have a nice day.
Eat the bird, bitch!
You ready, Ma?
You ready yet?