Pink Flamingos

Why, hello, Cookie.
l do hope you're hungry.
l could go for a sandwich.
l'll get right to the point.
l can get you information
about Divine.

Lots of information, l think,
if things go well today.

l have a date
with her son Crackers.

Well, this is, of course,
an encouraging development.

This is an important
assignment, Cookie.

We could all benefit--
you, financially...
and, Raymond and l...
well, our social standing
is involved to a great degree.

l may have to degrade myself
in front of Divine's son.

He's into a very strange
sex scene.

l'm going to have to put up
with unheard of atrocities...

in order to pump the information
you need out of him.

But, first, l have to know
exactly what you want to know...

because my so-called date
is this afternoon.

Well, Cookie, as you know...
Divine has achieved
a sort of fame lately...

both locally
and on the national level.

You may have heard the term,
""the filthiest person alive.""

l have heard the term, yes.
The papers call her that...
and she is known as that
to a limited extent...

in your more crime-conscious
sections of the city.

Well, we feel this to be
an untrue statement.

We feel that Raymond
and l far surpass her...

in every aspect
of the term ""filth.""

As you know, we run a baby ring.
Oh, it's really
a very simple process.

We keep two girls
at all times...

who are impregnated
by Channing...

our rather fertile servant.
We sell the babies
to lesbian couples...

and then we invest the money...
in various businesses
around town.

We own a few
pornography shops...

plus, we front money
to a chain of heroin pushers...

in the inner city
elementary schools.

We feel that the attention...
that's been focused
on Divine lately...

is most unfair.
She is merely a common thief
and murderer.

Unfortunately, for us,
our line of work...

limits our chances
for publicity and travel...

but this does not mean
that we wish to go unnoticed.

After all, we've not
worked all these years...

in order to be upstaged
by this fat hog...
