Play It Again, Sam

Then I'll be at 752-0420
and then I'll be home at 621 -4598.
Right, George. Bye-bye.
There's a phone booth on the corner,
shall I get the number?

You'll be passing it.
- I'm sorry, Allan.
- She wants to be a swinger.

- Married life is no good for her.
- Don't get worked up.

I gave her a home, affection, security.
This was a girl I found
waiting on tables at the Hip Bagel.

I used to go there every night
and over-tip her.

$1 .50 on a 35-cent check.
Nancy was impulsive.
We all knew that.

She didn't leave impulsively.
She talked about it for months.

- I didn't believe she'd do it.
- It's good you find out now.

- You're young. Make a new life.
- I'm 29.

The height of my sexual potency
was ten years ago.

Look at the bright side. You're free.
You'll go out, there'll be girls.
You'll go to parties,
have affairs with married women.

Sexual relations with girls
of every race, creed and colour.

You get tired of that.
Besides, those kinds of things
never happen to me.

I managed to fool one girl into
loving me and now she's gone.

See how he downgrades himself?
Don't you think plenty of women
would find him attractive?

- Yes, of course.
- The world's full of eligible women.

Yeah, but not like Nancy.
She was a lovely thing.

I used to lay in bed
and watch her sleep.

Once in a while she'd wake up
and catch me.

She'd let out a scream.
He really loved her. I feel like crying.
Why do you feel like crying?
A man makes an investment,
it doesn't pay off.

Could I get an aspirin?
I have a headache.

He's having a breakdown
and you're sick.

- Don't get upset.
- I'm not, I just had a rough day.

You want an aspirin too?
