Play It Again, Sam

This is Mr Christie,
I'm no longer at 431 -5997.

I'll be at... What time did that come in?
Sharon did a movie.
- Underground.
- Stag film?

Underground, you know, arty, 16mm.
- Allan is interested in cinema.
- Really? What do you do?

I'm a writer. Nothing much.
Film Weekly.

Articles, essays, criticisms.
This film I did got very good reviews.
I got singled out.

Course, I was the only girl in it
with nine men.

What's it called? Maybe I saw it.
Gang Bang.
These films have the raunchiest titles.
Really, it wasn't sexy.

You were all out of bourbon
so I made it straight water.

It's so humid out,
I think it's going to rain.

Maybe that's why I have a headache.
I get terrible sinus attacks.

You should have them drained.
That's why it's silly to go the Pier.
Could you turn the music down
a little bit?

Of course.
Why go to an outdoor restaurant
in the rain?

- We used to go walking in the rain.
- I love the rain.

It washes memories
off the sidewalk of life.

Gee, Allan,
you really have the delicate touch.

He's a trifle tense,
he had some misfortune with his wife.

- His wife?
- His ex-wife. She's gone.

- She's dead.
- How awful.

She's not really dead.
Technically not dead,
but we're not dating.

- She left him.
- I'm sorry.
