If you could have any painting,
what would you pick?
- A van Gogh. Any van Gogh.
- Me too.
I feel a mystical attraction
for van Gogh. Why is that?
I don't know. I just know
he cut off his ear for a girl he loved.
That's the kind of thing
you'd do for a girl.
I'd have to like her a lot.
I wonder if Dick
would cut his ear off for me?
I don't think you should ask him.
He's very busy.
It must be fantastic
to be loved so intensely.
Why don't we split and see if there's
any action at the Berkeley Museum?
There's one.
- She's great.
- Go ahead, speak to her.
- No, are you kidding?
- Go on.
Go on, give it a try.
That's what we're here for. Go on.
It's a lovely Jackson Pollock.
Yes, it is.
What does it say to you?
It restates the negativeness
of the universe.
The hideous, lonely emptiness
of existence. Nothingness.
The predicament of man forced to live
in a barren, godless eternity
Iike a tiny flame
flickering in an immense void
with nothing but waste,
horror and degradation
forming a useless straightjacket
in a black absurd cosmos.
- What are you doing Saturday?
- Committing suicide.
What about Friday night?
If they're beautiful, they're crazy.
Beauty drives a woman crazy.
What's he ranting about?
Why am I going to the beach?
I hate the beach.